The resident male Ruby-throat is still guarding his territory and chasing off intruders, but it is a constant effort, in spite of his vigilance ...

... as evidenced by this female (probably a female - maybe a juvenile).

There are more young Evening Grosbeaks around, either from a later breeding pair, or a second brood. Yesterday they were chasing Dad all over the yard.

Great photos.
Found your blog while googling "plovers", and read your column on them. I live in Hawaii and spotted my first returning plover on Mon., Aug. 5. In the early evening, I saw several circling, high up in the sky, getting ready to land in their regular spots. It's great to have them back.
Thanks for the comments - loved seeing the plovers in Hawaii and wish I had more time to pursue some of your great birds.
Those hummingbird hawk moths are really cool.
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