Then came Tuesday. Calm winds, variable clouds through the day, and enough sunshine to create thermals. The flight started about 9:15, and then just continued. By the end of the day, the count was 1882, with 1821 BWHA - the best day for Putney Mountain EVER!! A mid-afternoon kettle had 130 birds, one of several large kettles during the day.
Wednesday slowed down, but was still an excellent day for Putney Mountain with 727 broad-wings and a total of 765 raptors - an excellent count considering that it was a brutally, clear blue sky, and the birds were often flying very high - barely within binocular range.
Here's a photographic sample of the last couple of days (mostly Wed, when I did not have to keep the count tally and had time to take some pics).
Adult Broad-winged Hawk.

Part of one of Wednesday's relatively low elevation BW kettles.

Adult Bald Eagle - 10 on Mon., Tues & Wed - 29 for the season.

Young Red-tailed Hawk hunting over the West River Valley, considered a resident bird. We don't usually begin counting RTs until October, though they are seen regularly in Sep. During Sep they are wandering north and south, clearly not migrating.

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