Friday, April 12, 2013

Early Sprimg (Late Winter) Feeder Activity

Take your pick - snow, sleet, freezing rain, rain - we have it all today as winter just refuses to let go of Vermont and New England.

But the birds are moving anyway, and there has been more activity in the yard and around the feeders than I have seen for months.

Highlight has to be the Fox Sparrow - two have been scratching the ground - very welcome visitors who usually stop on the way north (or south). On their recent travels, I have missed them ...

Fox Sparrow

A mixed flock of blackbirds (red-wings, grackles, cowbirds) occasionally do a bit of displaying between frantic eating. Spring is the one time of the year when birders are half glad to see the Brown-headed Cowbird, though on a semi-winter spring day, this birder is mainly glad to be inside ...

Brown-headed Cowbird

Dark-eyed Juncos are moving in a very serious way - the flock around the feeders and yard must be in the 200-300+ range ...

Dark-eyed Junco

... and finally, FOY Purple Finches. The blackbirds are chasing the boys from the ground and platform, leaving only the high hanging sunflower feeder. Photo is through door window and storm section, but that helps capture is misery of the day ...

Purple Finch

Good birding, all things considered ... but better birding is on the way!


Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Beautiful images at the feeder. Blah weather for you. We have had rain all week! Really looking forward to spring warm sun and more birds! Just saw my foy fox sparrow last weekend :)

troutbirder said...

Miserable spring weather, tons of Juncoes hanging around and our first Fox Sparrow. All here in southeastern Minnesota as well. Oh but we added a frozen line to the septic tank in February and the ground shows no sign of thawing.....


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