
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nostalgic for Spring

For the last three months, my wardrobe as rotated between 2 pair of flannel lined pants, 7 flannel shirts, supplemented with 2 wool vests. During this period, I have gone outside wearing my red & black plaid wool coat, with 2 exceptions when I opted for a slightly less bulky jacket.

Yes, I am nostalgic for Spring and even Summer, and I hope that early next week I can offer some definitive cures for wardrobe monotony. For the moment, however, I remember a few images from Spring, 2010 ...

Broad-winged Hawk
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Eastern Bluebird
Yellow Warbler
Good birding!


  1. I, along with many others, are awaiting the spring migration of birds. As one observer said of the the weekend, "I am tired of the same species of birds everytime I go out." I love them and look for oddities in the common birds. Occasionally I find even a new bird.

    Spring is just around the next month.

  2. Hahaha....I think my wardrobe is close to yours! I can't wait for shorts. Love these've captured an especially sweet expression on the bluebird (at least in my birdy-romantic mind I see it!).

  3. I don't know if I am grateful or tortured. We can't wait for a bit of spring also! I'm beyond tired of layers and gloves. Hopefully, the groundhog is right this year...

  4. I should probably duck before I say this..but...I have been wearing shorts for quite some time now:)
    Sending warm thoughts your way.
    Lovely pics!

  5. I'm sick to death of polartec and layers of gloves . . . but it won't be long, now - I can feel it!
