
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sexy Tropical Birds - Parrots

We returned home from Belize a week ago. I confess, that the transition from the tropics to New England during mudseason has been somewhat difficult, which is why I have been dilatory with my posts. There were a few nice days, but then winter returned, and it looks as though it will stay a while.

Plus ... there were hundreds of photographs to sort through and process. I am slowly getting a handle of them.

In the tropics, there are "sexy" birds - birds which everyone want to see, even non-birders.

Parrots are one of those "sexy tropical birds." Birds of Belize (H. Lee Jones) has ten parrot species. I saw 5 parrot species, and photographed 4. Photos of the White-crowned Parrot were crummy and I won't embarrass my photography by posting those.

Photos of the uncooperative Mealy Parrot (second in size to the Scarlet Macaw) were at least recognizable, though they never gave me any clear shooting opportunities.

Mealy Parrot

The Red-lored Parrot and the Olive-throated Parakeet were much more cooperative and I had several reasonably good photo opportunities for these two species.

Red-lored Parrot
Olive-throated Parakeet
I have no way of knowing, but I would be willing to bet that the Olive-throated Parrot on the left in the next photograph is the male, while the one on the right is the female.

Olive-throated Parakeet
More sexy tropical birds soon.

On a brighter local note, though snow is flying again, the spring migrants are arriving. The feeders are busy with Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Grackles, Brown-headed Cowbirds (mid-March is the one time of the year when birders are happy to see cowbirds), and European Starlings. Plus Evening Grosbeaks have returned, and a few Common Redpolls are visiting. A neighbor called this morning to report a beautiful Red-shouldered Hawk perching in the pine trees near his beaver pond.

Good birding.


  1. Especially stunning birds! Gorgeous images! Thanks for bringing a little warmth and beauty my way this evening.

  2. Oh boy, oh boy!!
    I certainly can't miss that post!! Brilliant!
    Reminds me so much of my own parrots!
    We had all those birds breeding in our aviaries, in Africa! The Red-lored Amazons were very successful!
    I saw many in the wild when I was young, in Nicaragua! Part of my family lived there for years and had tame Scarlets, Amazons and Pionuses free in the garden!
    A great leap back in the past!
    Keep well, Chris!

  3. I certainly wouldn't call our Ring-necked Parakeets sexy but you may just have sparked me into doing a post on them sometime.
