
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sexy Tropical Birds - Toucans

Some birds everyone wants to see, even non-birders. I call them the "sexy" birds. Toucans are in that category. Belize has 3 toucans. During our vacation in Belize, I managed respectable photographs of all three.

The Keel-billed Toucan is the largest. Most of the time, it was a fly-over, but one did pause at the top of a tree for its portrait.

Keel-billed Toucan

Keel-billed Toucan

Photos for the other 2 toucans were helped by the presence of fruit rinds on the deck of DePlooy's Lodge. The Collared Aracari was one of the first birds in the morning to come for the fruit, sometimes carrying large pieces away to avoid any chance of sharing.

Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari

During a quiet mid-day on the deck, when all the other guests were off looking for birds, the Emerald Toucanet came for a visit.

Emerald Toucanet
Good birding!


  1. Toucan is really a sexy guy! Nice capture!

  2. It is a treat to see these birds regardless of the circumstances. The morning light on the collared aracari really sets off its dramatic colors.

  3. Incredible shiny and glossy and so brilliant the colours of these exotic beauties.....!!!

    I know now where famous fashion-stylists "steel" the most beautiful colour - combinations for their collections....!!

    Each of these Toucans is fabulous....what creatures!!!!!

    ciao ciao elvira
