A few warblers have presented themselves for my camera in recent days. Here is a sampling - most are familiar, but never let it be said of the warblers that familiarity breeds ennui. They are exciting to a bird ...
The male
Blackburnian Warbler defines warbler-neck while his mate is seldom seen. But this female was working the bushes along a woodland lane in Somerset ...
Blackburnian Warbler - female |
Blackburnian Warbler - female |
Chestnut-sided Warblers were actively engaged in pair forming last week, with jealously and coyness present in the males and females respectively ...
Chestnut-sided Warbler - male |
Chestnut-sided Warbler - female |
Two familiar, common, but always entertaining warblers. First, the Black-masked Rogue, officially (though boringly) known as the
Common Yellowthroat ...
Common Yellowthroat - male |
... and the Yellow Warbler.
Yellow Warbler - Male |
Good Birding!
1 comment:
Chris, I never tire of viewing your colourful warblers .. far more pleasing to the eye than our LBJ's.
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