In the protected nesting area, Least Terns were getting their act underway. This male was demonstrating his suitability by bringing supper to his mate. Some were already on the nest, a tiny hollowed-out depression in the sand. The terns did not like our presence and often we were threatened, screamed at, dove upon, and nearly raked by beaks. We retreated.

The highlight was the American Oystercatchers feeding their young, and generally carrying on all along the shore and dunes.

A Photographic Note: I came back with over 800 photos; it takes time just to go through that many photos, dumping the trash (there was a lot) and then editing what remains. In Northern Maine I met Stan Buman, a wildlife and nature photographer from Iowa. He told me that on the Gaspe Peninsula he visited a gannet colony and took over 6000 photos. Processing all of those is mind-boggling, but judging by the photos on his website, he ends up with stunning photos. I’ve put a link to his website under “A Few Other (Mostly) Bird Sites.” I’ve also added a link to “Bird Photography by Hilke Breder,” a local Vermont birder and photographer.
Great shots! So much fun Birding Cape May! have allot of photos to sort thru!
Thanks for the new links
I will check back for more Cape may photos!
check out my link about the CT outing
new details
I know what you mean about sorting photos. I came back from Cape May with slightly fewer than you, but I'm still sorting through and processing.
Very nice photos of Cape May. Sorry you hit such a rainy time..for Cape May can provide some lifer shots!
You really did well capturing those oyster catchers...neat bird!!
Love your closing shot..beautiful colors.
ps loved your raven post. left you a comment there too!
Thanks for visiting my blog today :)
Just getting caught up on your last three posts. Love the work your doing. The oystercrackers are something special and the common merganser.
I just love the work u done here.Wonderful photos too.
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