American goldfinches are common on my sunflower and thistle feeders. I had seven goldfinches on the feeders yesterday, and everyone was different. Here is some of what I had: a little brown bird with black wings and white wing bars. An olive bird with black wingS and white wing bars. A yellow bird looking like a worn out summer goldfinch. A yellowish-white bird with the right kind of wings. An olive bird with plain, blackish wings and no wing bars.
What I did not have among those goldfinches was a streaky brown bird with darkish wings containing a hint of yellow. I try to look carefully for this variation of the goldfinch, because it is not a goldfinch. It is a goldfinch cousin, the Pine Siskin.
I looked at the American Goldfinch in three bird guides. Sibley did not show a single example that looked exactly like any of the goldfinches at my feeders. The National Geographic guide was a little better, but not much. It had a couple of examples which were sort of similar to some of my goldfinches. Kaufman was the most helpful with three winter plumage examples which were close to some of the goldfinches I have been seeing.
The American Goldfinch is common. Even though there are many variations in plumage at this time of year, identifying the goldfinch should not be a problem. But those many variations and the lack of examples in the field guides points to an important principle. There is no infallible text. There are claims (open to dispute) from some religious quarters that the Bible is an infallible text containing all the right religious answers. By extension, some people seem to think that there should be infallible guides in non-religious spheres, such as birds. I do not often succumb to categorical statements, but here is one: There is no bible for bird identification. There is no perfect field guide.
Let me give you an example. The Black-throated Green Warbler is a beautiful little summer bird with a brilliant yellow head, an olive back, dark wings with white wing bars, and a prominent black throat. I saw one recently on Putney Mountain. It stayed still long enough to allow me to get (if you will excuse the immodesty) a stunning photograph as it perched on a spruce branch. But, the bird I photographed does not look exactly like any photo or painting of any Black-throated Green Warbler in any field guide which I regularly consult. For one thing, there is only the barest hint of a black throat; that hint is noticeable only when I study my photograph of the bird and employ some imagination.
I finally found a reasonably close approximation of my Black-throated Green Warbler; it was in the 1983 edition of the Golden guide, the bird guide I used when I was learning birds. It was on the two pages of “Fall Warblers.” The old Peterson guide has similar pages called the “Confusing Fall Warblers.” The more recent field guides do not include side by side comparisons of fall warblers and often don’t even show fall plumage for a particular warbler. They should.
On another day on Putney Mountain, I managed a few photographs of a mostly little brown bird. It was a plain nondescript fall warbler, with just a trace of yellow along its flank. From time to time when it perched, or flew, it revealed its “butter butt” and so identified itself as a Yellow-rumped Warbler. The fall plumage of the Yellow-rumped Warbler is a stark contrast to the blue-gray bird with bold black and white and splashes of yellow that we see in the spring and summer. If the bird guide shows a fall Yellow-rump, it will show the yellow-rump, as it should. But as I have watched the Yellow-rumps on Putney Mountain, the yellow rump has often been hidden from view.
One more warbler. The nondescript fall Yellow-rump will usually (not always) give away its identity by flashing its yellow rump when it flies. For some other warblers, just a small detail of plumage betrays its fall identity. In a tangle of thick brush I grabbed a glimpse of a dull, olive bird with a tiny spot of white on the wing. The glimpse might have suggested a Common Yellowthroat or a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, although neither would have felt quite right. But the white wing spot was a field mark give-away for a Black-throated Blue Warbler. And just to make life simpler, a male still in breeding plumage popped briefly into view.
Often when we try to identify a bird using a field guide, we focus on the details in the guide. I remember many years ago when I was a novice birder, sitting in my backyard and studying the House Finches at the feeder. I pored over those little brown females and those washed-out red males, trying to make at least one into a different bird - a Purple Finch, perhaps. Every slight variation had me searching through the field guide open at my elbow. Very, very slowly I learned that the details of a bird in all bird guides are never exactly right.
Using a bird guide successfully requires imagination, letting go of the details, applying the impression of the photographs or paintings to the plumage impression of the bird you see. Sometimes field marks help, but other times size or shape or behavior are better clues.
So ... You are watching the birds at your bird feeder. You notice that there are a lot of goldfinches. Except, they are all a little bit different. So you begin to wonder if they are all really goldfinches. And you start looking in your bird guide. But also ask yourself: are they the right size for goldfinches? Are they behaving like goldfinches?
Answer those question in the affirmative, and you can confidently conclude that they are goldfinches. But watch out for the streaked brown goldfinch that is really a cousin - the Pine Siskin.
Good birding.
Sometimes the education is planned, as when a school does a field trip to Putney Mountain. Some field trips are well planned outdoor classrooms; others appear to be a day out of the classroom. For as long as I have been trekking to the ridge to watch hawks, I have seen someone among the day’s hawk watchers ready to do an instant lesson for school groups on migrating hawks, solicit the help of their sharp young eyes, and convey an appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.
Recently I did one of those spur of the moment outdoor classrooms, explaining such rudiments of hawk migration as where they are going, and how they use the thermals and updrafts along the ridge to help them get there. Then I asked, “Why do the hawks migrate?”
“To get away from the snow,” a student said. “Partly true,” I replied, thinking to myself that the answer is definitely true for those thin blooded retirees who head south for the winter. “What other reason?” I asked.
“Food,” said a youngster wearing binoculars.
“Right!” I replied, and now he also wore a big smile. I gave an example. A Sharp-shinned Hawk had just made a very fleeting appearance as it dove into the valley. That Sharp-shinned Hawk was chasing a small bird, because that is what a sharpie eats - small birds. The Sharp-shinned has a long tail and short rounded wings that enables it to twist and turn through the forest as it pursues its food. Most small birds migrate south for the winter. If most of the food you eat flies south, then you also fly south. And so, the Sharp-shinned Hawks are migrating south.
Generalizations are always risky, and almost never completely true. To say that “food” is the reason birds migrate is a risky generalization. Even so, most migrations by most birds are somehow related to food.
Bird migration is an exceptionally complex natural phenomenon which science has only recently begun to unravel. The how, why, when, and where of migration is different for nearly every species, but in some way food is almost always involved.
Most of our favorite songbirds are not really “our” birds. They are neotropical birds. They fly north to take advantage of our temperate climate. Our temperate climate produces abundant protein during a relatively short growing season. Those annoying mosquitos and plant eating bugs in the garden are a bountiful larder for birds needing lots of nourishment for their young. Some warblers arrive on their breeding ground at the end May. By the end of July, they have hatched and fledged their young. They don’t linger to enjoy Vermont in August; they start south.
The same is true for many shorebirds. They nest in the Arctic, where the growing season is even briefer and where food protein is even more intense. They breed; they incubate; the eggs hatch. By the first week of July, the adults of some species are already heading south. The precocial young feed themselves, and a month or two later, guided by their genetic encoding, the hatch year birds migrate south. Their food in the Arctic will soon be gone.
Cold weather and snow are not, by themselves, the reason that birds migrate. There are many species that live in Vermont year round, even when the temperatures plunge or the snow pack is measured in feet. Their ability to survive depends upon finding enough food. If food is scarce, some of these species will migrate further south. Some of the weaker individuals will die.
Bird feeders enable some birds to spend the winter. Species which have extended their range northward, such as the cardinal and titmouse, have been assisted by bird feeders. A few Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawks have discovered that they do not need to make a long, energy expensive migration. Instead, they can grocery shop during the winter from bird feeder to bird feeder.
Last year, bird watchers in New England were treated with an exceptional number of boreal species: redpolls, shrike, Pine Grosbeak, Bohemian Waxwing. Pine Siskins appeared at my feeders in early September last year and were common through the winter. This year, Pine Siskins are absent and it is likely they will remain absent or very rare throughout the winter.
It has to do with food. The availability of the various food resources that the siskin and other boreal species prefer during the winter vary from year to year. A researcher in Ontario gathers reports from throughout Canada and forecasts whether and where such species may appear. For example, the Pine Grosbeak is a mountain-ash berry specialist in winter. He predicts that Pine Grosbeaks will stay north of most birders this winter because mountain-ash berries are abundant in northern Ontario.
For the last several weeks, when there haven’t been hawks to watch on Putney Mountain, I have been watching Cedar Waxwings. On some days, several dozen would be flying out of the tree tops, flycatching through hordes of insects. As the cold weather comes, those waxwings will form into large flocks and shift their diet to berries. They will migrate about the countryside and towns, pausing for a while to feast on the fruit, then do another short distance migration to another berry rich area.
The short answer to why birds migrate is “Food.” Migration from mountain top to valley. From neighborhood to neighborhood. From boreal forest to temperate forest. From temperate forest to tropical forest. From prairie pothole to Gulf Coast. From northern lake to Atlantic coast. From North Atlantic to South Atlantic. From New England to the deep South. Somewhere in the species specific complexity of those various short, medium, or long distance migrations, there is a food component. The energy expense and dangers of migration is offset by the availability of food for survival or reproductive success.
Other times on Putney Mountain, I have pursued sparrows, towhees, and warblers as they have moved through the thick brush, feeding on the abundant berry crop. Occasionally they pause to give me a glimpse, and then I can see the feathers around their beaks stained with berry juice. They are feeding up so they can continue their journey south. It makes for good birding.